Dave Kiwi Dave Kiwi

5 uncomfortable practices to innovate with artificial intelligence in the public sector

Implementing artificial intelligence in the public sector is complex. Governments and other public organizations must navigate political interests, bureaucratic structures, and risk-averse cultures. Five uncomfortable practices can help public sector organizations navigate these complex environments and pave the way for effective, strategic AI innovation.

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Dave Kiwi Dave Kiwi

Managing successful organisational change in the public sector

Eight critical factors for successfully implementing organizational change in the public sector include verifying and communicating the necessity of change, developing clear strategies, building support, and ensuring top-management commitment. Providing adequate resources, institutionalizing new behaviours, and aligning subsystems with change objectives are crucial for achieving transformation.

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Dave Kiwi Dave Kiwi

Legitimacy and legitimation: why it really matters

Understanding legitimacy and the legitimacy issues related to change, empowers leaders in government to effectively navigate social judgments and processes for fostering innovation and driving strategic change. The process by which this occurs is known as legitimation.

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Dave Kiwi Dave Kiwi

The crucial first step of innovation in government

When transforming from the old to the new, it's crucial to make the first move count. Substantial change effort should initially focus on reducing cognitive constraints and organizing backing, enabling innovations to not only start but also scale and integrate effectively.

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Dave Kiwi Dave Kiwi

Policy management before the legitimacy crisis

Governments must recognize the legitimacy tensions in their policies to prevent them from escalating into legitimacy crises. Policy makers should act as policy managers, and policy enforcers must be prepared to scrutinize policies.

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Dave Kiwi Dave Kiwi

Unlocking public sector innovation through your people

Public sector innovation thrives with a mix of diverse individuals, including motivated innovators (Crusaders) and rule challengers (Revolutionist) and necessitates a culture supportive of calculated risk-taking, experimentation, and learning from failures.

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Dave Kiwi Dave Kiwi

Beyond the incremental approach: radical change in government

Governments and other public organizations require a blend of incremental change, bold experimentation, and strategic transformations. Fueled by a culture that values responsibility, autonomy, and trust, leaders should use strategy to balance incremental and radical change.

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Dave Kiwi Dave Kiwi

From autonomy to innovation with self-managed teams

Self-managed teams can significantly enhance innovation in organizations, but while the autonomy granted presents a fertile ground for innovation, it is the supportive and strategic role of leaders that cultivates this potential into tangible innovative change.

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